In 1962, Amazing Fantasy #15 introduces Spider-Man, one of Marvel’s most popular characters, to the public for the first time, with Steve Ditko and Jack...
Pewter Iconic characters, representing opposing forces from Star Wars Episodes IV, V and VI, face each other across a chessboard of tempered glass, capped by...
Trompe l'oeil riveted metal plating defines the Special Edition 400% Steampunk BE@RBRICK ROYAL SELANGOR, evoking the guttural roar of a coal-fired furnace, the hiss of...
Backbone of the Imperial Military, the stormtrooper’s pristine white armour, bristling with survival equipment and climate controls, is both impressive and ominous en masse. The...
BackgroundMyths develop over time. In the case of Superman’s, it emerges fully-formed in 1938, depicted on the cover of Action Comics #1. Hoodlums flee a...
BackgroundMyths develop over time. In the case of Superman’s, it emerges fully-formed in 1938, depicted on the cover of Action Comics #1. Hoodlums flee a...
Revelling in the omnipotence bestowed by the six Infinity Gems set in his gauntlet, Thanos harnesses their combined power to annihilate half the life in...
Barely surviving an encounter with Ultimo, his armor heavily damaged, Tony Stark hunkers down into an iconic Iron Man pose, determined to defeat the robotic...
The trademark tactical fighter of the Imperial fleet, designed to go head-to-head with Rebel X-Wings, consists of little more than a cockpit and engine, sandwiched...
Loosely based on the Dark Origin story arc, an enraged Venom claws impatiently at concrete as he stares down his nemesis Spider-man. The intimidating villain,...
A mutant with animal-like senses and a remarkable ability to heal, fearlessness and savagery are as natural to Wolverine as to his animal namesake, enhanced...
1987’s reimagining of the Wonder Woman mythos reaffirms her Amazonian heritage with a heightened degree of Greek mythology, portrayed to great effect in George Perez’s...
Richly gilded in 24K gold, illustrator Alan Quah and sculptor Ghim Ong’s 3D visualisation of Wonder Woman stands proud displaying her hard-won Champion’s bracelets. A...
For 50s-style pull-string cowboy Woody, You’ve Got A Friend In Me tells of the camaraderie of his tight-knit band of toys, his friendship with 90s action figure...
An upgrade to the Alliance-era T-65, the T-70 X-Wing’s enhanced speed, armaments and manoeuvrability proves deadly not only in dogfights with TIE Fighters but also...